
Generic middlewares to transform resolution results.


(wrap-transform engine transform-fn)(wrap-transform engine predicate transform-fn)

Middleware that will pass any Resolvable that matches Predicate – as well as the resolved result – to transform-fn and use its return value in place of the actual result.

For example, to inject the current timestamp into each Person record:

(def run-engine
  (-> (engine/engine)
        #(instance? Person %)
        #(assoc %2 :__timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)))))

If no predicate is given, all Resolvable values will be transformed.


(wrap-transform-by-class engine classes-to-transform transformer-fn)

Middleware that will pass any Resolvable of one of the given classes-to-transform – as well as the resolved result – to transform-fn and use its return value in place of the actual result.

For example, to inject the current timestamp into each Person record:

(def run-engine
  (-> (engine/engine)
        #(assoc %2 :__timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)))))