
If you’ve read about claro Resolvable values you might have noticed that there is nothing preventing you from creating infinite trees or cycles between different resolvable types.

For example, a Person could have a list of friends. And why, I ask you, would they themselves be represented as anything other than Person records?

(declare ->FriendsOf)

(defrecord Person [id]
  (resolve! [_ env]
      (-> (fetch-person! (:db env) id)
          (assoc :friends (->FriendsOf id))))))

(defrecord FriendsOf [id]
  (resolve! [_ env]
      (->> (fetch-friend-ids! (:db env) id)
           (map ->Person)))))

Of course, this explodes horribly when resolving (after taking an equally horrible amount of time, nonetheless):

(engine/run!! (->Person 1))
;; => IllegalStateException: resolution has exceeded maximum batch size

But claro is built around infinite trees. It provides powerful facilites of dealing with infinitely nested data – the most elegant of which are projections.

(require '[claro.projection :as projection])


A projection describes how to convert an infinite tree into a finite one. That’s about it, really, so let’s write our first projection:

(def base-person
  {:id   projection/leaf
   :name projection/leaf})

This basically says: “Out of all the available fields, take :id and :name and expect them to be leaves of the tree (i.e. not a collection).” Let’s try it out:

  (projection/apply (->Person 1) base-person))
;; => {:id 1, :name "Sherlock Holmes"}

We threw away the list of :friends provided to us by Person since we never mentioned it. Let’s see who’s in there by extending our base projection:

(def person-with-friends
  {:id      projection/leaf
   :name    projection/leaf
   :friends [{:id   projection/leaf
              :name projection/leaf}]})

  (projection/apply (->Person 1) person-with-friends))
;; => {:id 1
;;     :name "Sherlock Holmes"
;;     :friends [{:id 2, :name "John Watson"}
;;               {:id 3, :name "Miss Hudson"}]}

As you can see, projections can be nested. And by putting them inside a vector we apply them to every element of a seq.


Projections force you to think about the shape of the data you want to retrieve. They are query and schema at once.

Most importantly, they move any transformation logic away from the actual data access. This let’s you naively create rich trees of entities – any subtree will only be retrieved if someone asks for it.

And this leads to different views on the same entity being represented as projections. You don’t need the high-quality image URL on a list page? Remove it from the projection. You need the new view counter to be displayed on all detail pages? Well, just add it.

This doesn’t mean you can just be careless, of course. Writing flexibly reusable projections is just as much of a challenge as writing reusable code in general.

More Projections


Speaking of reusability, it can be useful to merge the results of multiple projections:

(def base-person
  {:id   projection/leaf
   :name projection/leaf})

(def friend-list
  {:friends [base-person]})

(def person-with-friends

Note: You might be tempted to use merge in these cases. Don’t, since it only works with plain-map projections and you might want to use others sometime in the future.


Let’s say it should be possible to influence how many of a person’s friends are returned. For this, we add a field to the respective record:

(defrecord FriendsOf [id limit offset]
  (resolve! [_ env]
      (->> (fetch-friend-ids! (:db env) id (or limit 10) (or offset 0))
           (map ->Person)))))

Note: If you have a list of entities somewhere, always make it possible to only return a subset (and ideally only return a limited number of items per default). Otherwise, long lists will undoubtedly bring your application to its knees.

We can now craft a special projection, only retrieving the names of the first five friends of a given person:

(def person-with-five-friends
  {:id      projection/leaf
   :name    projection/leaf
   :friends (projection/parameters {:limit 5} [{:name projection/leaf}])})

parameters takes two arguments: the parameters to inject, as well as another projection that will be applied to the resulting subtree. See the documentation of parameters for further details.


To rename a field you can use the alias projection:

{:id                                   projection/leaf
 (projection/alias :person-name :name) projection/leaf}

This is especially useful if you want to apply multiple different projections to the same subtree, e.g. to inject a series of parameters into a field. For example, we could introduce a flag checking friend status to our Person records:

(defrecord Friend? [person-id friend-id]
  (resolve! [_ env]

(defrecord Person [id]
  (resolve! [_ env]
        (fetch-person! (:db env) id)
        {:friend-of? (->Friend? nil id)
         :friends    (->FriendsOf id)}))))

If we want to check whether a certain person is friends with two specific users we can use alias and parameters to generate a result:

(defn- friend-of?
  [alias-key person-id]
  {(projection/alias alias-key :friend-of?)
     {:person-id person-id}
     {:name projection/leaf})))

(def person-with-certain-friends
    [{:id projection/leaf
      :name projection/leaf}
     (friend-of? :friend-of-sherlock? 1)
     (friend-of? :friend-of-watson? 2)))

Applying this projection to a Person will produce a map akin to:

{:id 3
 :name "Miss Hudson"
 :friend-of-sherlock? true
 :friend-of-watson? true}

Missing Values

Sometimes, fields can be nil which would cause any non-leaf projection to panic. Using maybe we can handle this case, e.g. if we don’t know whether a Person actually exists:

(projection/maybe {:name projection/leaf})

In the same vein, we might want to return a default value if we couldn’t retrieve a real one:

(projection/default {:name projection/leaf} unknown-person)

This will apply the given projection either to any non-nil value or to unknown-person.

Constant Values

It might happen that you want to inject a value into the tree. For this, you can use the value projection:

{:id   projection/leaf
 :role (projection/value :admin)}

If you want to inject non-leaf values – like another resolvable – you’ll need to supply a projection to apply on it, e.g.:

{:id    projection/leaf
 :roles (projection/value (->Roles) [projection/leaf])}

If you want to inject a more complex value but you’re absolutely sure it does not resolve infinitely, you can use finite-value.