
Generic middlewares to observe resolution results.


(wrap-observe engine observer-fn)(wrap-observe engine predicate observer-fn)

Middleware that will pass any Resolvable that matches predicate – as well as the resolved result – to observer-fn.

For example, to check the result of a specific Person record:

(def run-engine
  (-> (engine/engine)
        #(and (instance? Person %) (= (:id %) 1))

If no predicate is given, all Resolvable values will be observed.


added in 0.2.20

(wrap-observe* engine observer-fn)(wrap-observe* engine wrap-fn observer-fn)

Middleware that will pass the environment, the batch and the full resolution result (a map of resolvable to value) to the given function.


(wrap-observe-batches engine observer-fn)(wrap-observe-batches engine predicate observer-fn)

Middleware that will pass the result of any batch matching predicate to observer-fn.

For example, to increase a total resolvable counter for Person records:

(def run-engine
  (-> (engine/engine)
        #(instance? Person (first %))
        (fn [result]
          (swap! counter + (count result))))))

If no predicate is given, every batch will be observed.


(wrap-observe-batches-by-class engine classes-to-observe observer-fn)

Middleware that will pass the result of any batch of classes-to-observe to observer-fn.

For example, to increase a total resolvable counter for Person records:

(def run-engine
  (-> (engine/engine)
        (fn [result]
          (swap! counter + (count result))))))


(wrap-observe-by-class engine classes-to-observe observer-fn)

Middleware that will pass any Resolvable of one of the given classes-to-observe – as well as the resolved result – to observer-fn.

For example, to check the result of a specific Person record:

(def run-engine
  (-> (engine/engine)
      (wrap-observe-classes [Person] prn)))


(wrap-observe-duration engine observer-fn)(wrap-observe-duration engine predicate observer-fn)

Identical to wrap-observe-batches, except that observer-fn is passed an additional argument representing the resolution duration in nanoseconds.