
API facade providing invariants on Clojure data structures.


(acyclic name edge-fn)(acyclic name edge-fn describe-fn)

Generates an Invariant verifying that there are no cyclic properties within the element currently being verified. This needs two functions:

  • edge-fn: takes the state and the current value and produces a map of node IDs to a set of successor nodes,
  • describe-fn: takes the state and the current value and produces a function that maps node IDs to a more descriptive representation to be included in errors (defaults to returning the node ID itself).

edge-fn should produce a map like the following, describing the edges of a graph constructed from the value currently being verified:

{:a #{:b :c}
 :c #{:d}
 :d #{:a}}

describe-fn can be given to provide more information to errors (e.g. to retain more of the original input than just the node ID). E.g., if the input is a seq of nodes akin to {:id "A", :children #{...}} one could retain the full values using:

(defn describe-nodes
  (into {} (map (juxt :id identity) nodes)))

Any error container produced by this invariant will provide the detected cycle, as well as the relevant edges within the :invariant/error key.


(all invariant seq-invariant)

Generates an Invariant that will be applied to the seq of all elements currently being verified.


(and invariant & more)

Generate an Invariant combining all of the given ones.

    (invariant/value :int? (comp integer? :value))
    (-> (invariant/on [:children ALL])
        (invariant/each ...)))



An Invariant that will never produce an error.


(as state-key path reduce-fn initial-value)(as invariant state-key path reduce-fn initial-value)

Generates an Invariant that uses the given specter path, reduce fn and value to attach a key to the invariant state, based on the current value.

(-> (invariant/as :declared-variables [:declarations ALL :name] conj #{})
    (invariant/on [:usages ALL :name])

The resulting invariant state can be used e.g. in bind, property and state and will be shaped similarly to the following:

{:declared-variables {"a", "b", "c"}}

An inner invariant can be supplied, in which case the state will be computed from the selected values.


(bind bind-fn)

Generate an Invariant that will use bind-fn, applied to the invariant state and the value currently being verified, to decide on an invariant to use.

(-> (invariant/on [:functions ALL])
        (fn [_ {:keys [function-name]}]
          (case function-name
            "F" (invariant/property :f-args-valid? ...)
            "G" (invariant/property :g-args-valid? ...)

This can be used to do invariant dispatch based on concrete values.


(check invariant data)(check invariant initial-state data)

Like run but will return either nil or a seq of errors.


(collect-as state-key path)(collect-as invariant state-key path)(collect-as invariant state-key path {:keys [unique?], :or {unique? true}})

Like as, collecting all elements at the given specter path at the desired key within the invariant state. If :unique? (default: true) is set the result will be a set.


added in 0.1.2

(compute-as state-key f)(compute-as state-key f path)(compute-as invariant state-key f)(compute-as invariant state-key f path)

Like as, computing a value by applying f to the current state and all elements matching path and storing it under the given key.

(-> (invariant/as :name->dependencies ...)
    (invariant/on [:elements ALL])
      (fn [{:keys [name->dependencies]} [name]]
        (name->dependencies name))

The above example will:

  • create :name->dependencies in the state by analyzing the top-level value,
  • iterate over each value in :elements,
  • create current-dependencies in the state by looking it up in the previously created :name->dependencies.


(count-as state-key path)(count-as invariant state-key path)

Like as, storing the number of elements at the given specter path at the desired key within the invariant state.


(each invariant element-invariant)

Generates an Invariant that will be individually applied to all elements currently being verified.


(fail name)

Generate an Invariant that will always produce an error.


added in 0.1.1

(first-as state-key path)(first-as invariant state-key path)

Like as, storing the first element currently being verified under the given key.


(fmap invariant f)

Transform each element currently being verified.

(-> (invariant/on [:declarations ALL :name]
      #(assoc % :name-count (count (:name %))))))


(holds? invariant data)(holds? invariant initial-state data)

Returns true if running the invariant against the given data does not produce any errors.


(is? invariant self-invariant)

Generates an Invariant that will be applied to the single element currently being verified. Will throw an exception if a selector like on matched multiple elements.

(-> (invariant/on [(must :right)])
    (invariant/is? tree-balanced-invariant))

This behaves like each but will not pollute the invariant error path with a zero index.



(on invariant path)(on path)

Generates an Invariant that uses the given specter path to collect all pieces of data the invariant should apply to. This is basically a selector, producing elements subsequent invariants will be applied to.

(-> (invariant/on [:declarations ALL])
    (invariant/each ...))

Optionally, an inner invariant can be supplied in which case the selector is run on its result. This lets you, e.g., collect state while stepping through your data:

(-> (invariant/on [:body])
    (invariant/collect-as :variables [:declarations ALL])
    (invariant/on [:usages ALL])

Here, you’ll collect all declarations at [:body :declarations ALL] before continueing with [:body :usages ALL].

If you need to generate a selector dynamically or from a path stored within a var/binding, use on*.


(on* path path-form)(on* invariant path path-form)

Generates an Invariant that uses the given specter path to collect all pieces of data the invariant should apply to. This is basically a selector, producing elements subsequent invariants will be applied to.

(-> (invariant/on* [:declarations ALL] '[:declarations ALL])
    (invariant/each ...))

on should be preferred since it will automatically generate path-form for you.



An Invariant selector pointing at the current (i.e. top-level) value. Equivalent to (on [STAY]) without polluting the path with STAY elements.



added in 0.1.3

(on-values selector-fn)(on-values invariant selector-fn)

Generates an Invariant that will run selector-fn on the invariant state and the seq of elements currently being verified, replacing the latter with the produced result.

This behaves like on but uses a function to directly generate the values to verify.


added in 0.1.3

(on-values* invariant selector-fn path-form)

Generates an Invariant that will run selector-fn on the invariant state and the seq of elements currently being verified, replacing the latter with the produced result.


(property name pred-fn)

Generates a predicate whose pred-fn will be called with the invariant state and the value currently being verified.

(-> (invariant/on [:usages ALL :name])
    (invariant/collect-as :declared-variables [:declarations ALL :name])
        (fn [{:keys [declared-variables]} n]
          (contains? declared-variables n)))))



(recursive [self-sym] invariant-form)

Generate a recursive invariant bound to self-sym within the body.

    (invariant/value :int? (comp integer? :value))
    (-> (invariant/on [:children ALL])
        (invariant/each self))))

The above could be used to verify e.g. the following nested map:

{:value 1
 :children [{:value :x
             :children [{:value 4}]}]}


(run invariant data)(run invariant initial-state data)

Verify that the given invariant holds for the given piece of data.


added in 0.1.3

(seq-property name pred-fn)

Behaves like property but expects each element currently being verified to be a seq.

Invariant errors will contain the input seq as their :invariant/values.


(state name pred-fn)

Generates a predicate whose pred-fn will be called with the current state, ignoring any values currently being verified.

(-> (invariant/on-current-value)
    (invariant/as :count count)
      (invariant/state :at-least-one? #(pos? (:count %)))))

If you need the values being verified to decide on whether the invariant holds, use property.


(unique invariant name & [{:keys [unique-by], :or {unique-by identity}}])

Generates an Invariant verifying that all current elements are unique.

(-> (invariant/on [:declarations ALL :name])
    (invariant/unique :declarations-unique?))

Errors will be reported per-element.


(value name pred-fn)

Generates a stateless predicate whose pred-fn will be called with the value currently being verified.

(-> (invariant/on [:declarations ALL :name])
      (invariant/value :prefix-valid? #(string/starts-with? % "var_"))))

If you need the invariant state to decide on whether the invariant holds, use property.


added in 0.1.3

(values name pred-fn)

Behaves like value but expectes each element currently being verified to be a seq.

Invariant errors will contain the input seq as their :invariant/values.


(with-error-context invariant error-context-fn)

Generates an Invariant that attaches an error context to each invariant error produced by invariant.

(-> (invariant/on [:fields ALL])
    (invariant/each ...)
      (fn [_ {:keys [record-name]}]
        {:record-name record-name})))

The result of error-context-fn will be merged into each invariant error’s :invariant/error-context entry.


(with-static-error-context invariant error-context)

Like with-error-context but merging a static map into any invariant error’s :invariant/error-context entry.